Brunei Darussalam Scholarship

Brunei Darussalam Scholarship 2024/2025 | Apply Now

Brunei Darussalam Scholarship 2024/2025: This completely financed scholarship program to study in Asia is to give recipients the chance to enroll in diploma, undergraduate, and master’s programs at Brunei Darussalam’s higher education institutions during the 2024/2025 academic session.

About The Brunei Darussalam Scholarship

Brunei Darussalam Scholarship is a scholarship sponsored and funded by the Brunei Government established by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Brunei Darussalam. It is aimed at providing support for Brunei Darussalam Universities to recruit exceptional full-time First Degree, Masters, and Doctoral International Students for Undergraduate and Postgraduate Studies in Brunei to cut down the cost of their education at their institutions.

This scholarship covers tuition fees, accommodation/ room, board, books, transportation, personal/miscellaneous expenses, and all other expenses.

It is open to all intending diploma, undergraduate, and postgraduate students willing to study at the selected Brunei Universities, provided that the applicant’s academic performance is excellent.

Applying students are expected to show a high level of interest in their respective pursuit and also be strongly interested in the application of biotechnology for the sustainable growth and development of Brunei.

The sole aim of the scholarship is to stimulate and re-ignite the zeal and interest of students to high Excellence in their academic performances.

Requirements for The Brunei Darussalam Scholarship

  1. Application is open for both indigent and international students.
  2. Applicants for Diploma and First Degree Programs must be between the age of 18-25.
  3. Applicants for Postgraduate Studies (Master Degree Programs and Doctorate Degree) must not be more than 35years of age.
  4. Applicants must be a permanent resident of Brunei Darussalam.
  5. Applying Students must not be a beneficiary of similar or any other scholarship.

Selection Criteria

The Brunei Universities’ selection committee firmly bases the Brunei Darussalam Government Scholarship application process on need and merit, adhering to predetermined guidelines for both. The committee chooses students who are more deserving of the award after first considering those who have demonstrated exceptional performance.
If you fit all of the prerequisites that were previously mentioned in this article, kindly give it a try.

How To Apply for The Brunei Darussalam Scholarship 2024

Applicants who are interested in the Brunei Government Scholarship are expected to visit the official website and follow some guidelines, which will be one of the factors that will determine whether or not you will be offered the scholarship. Here are the guidelines to follow:

  • Applicants are expected to make all applications online using the official website.
  • Applicants are required to download the application form from the website.
  • Applicants must provide personal details, educational experience, and language proficiency details as the website demands.
  • Applicants are expected to fill all the fields carefully.
  • Applicants are expected to atleast mentioned the first choice and second choice Programme of study the university as it could be of added advantage.
  • Applicant’s complete application form must be endorsed either by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs or the National Focal point.
  • Applicants must submit the security clearance statement from your National Security Agency or Police Station in their various countries.
  • Applicants supporting documents should all be in the form of Word, PDF, or JPG format.
  • If Applicant’s preference is the University of Brunei Darussalam, he or she is required to fill out the application from their website.
  • Visit the official website for more detailed explanation and information.

Brunei Darussalam Scholarship Details

Qualifying postgraduate students who show an exceptional academic excellence are designated to receive 100% scholarship from the government which covers tuition fees, accommodation/ room, board, books, transportation, personal/miscellaneous expenses and all other expenses.

Brunei Darussalam Scholarship Benefits

The benefits attached to the Brunei Darussalam Scholarship include the following:

  1. Successful Applicants will be exempted from payment of tuition fee.
  2. A waiver of travel ticket. Successful applicants will be given the economy class air ticket facility from a Brunei university to the citizen’s country and vice versa.
  3. Successful applicants shall be paid on monthly bases the allowance of BND $500 .
  4. Successful applicants will also be paid a mealallowance of BND $150 on monthly bases.
  5. Successful applicants will be given yearly book allowance of BND $600 which is subject to increment.
  6. Successful Applicants will be facilitated with the accommodation facility at college’s residential hall or hostel.
  7. After the successful completion of the program, beneficiaries shall be paid baggage allowance of about BND$250 for countries that lie in the domain of the ASEAN region and BND$5pp for countries that lie outside the domain of the ASEAN region.
  8. Successful applicants will be given a waiver of health and medical insurance.

Brunei Darussalam Scholarship Host Universities

  1. Universiti Brunei Darussalam (UBD),
  2. Universiti Islam Sultan Sharif Ali (UNISSA),
  3. Universiti Teknologi Brunei (UTB),
  4. Kolej Universiti Perguruan Ugama Seri Begawan (KUPU SB) and
  5. Politeknik Brunei (PB)

Deadline for application for the Brunei Darussalam Scholarship 2024/2025

The deadline for the application of the Brunei Darussalam Scholarship is February 15, 2024.

Scholarship Summary

About Scholarship Detail
Level of Study Diploma, Undergraduate, Masters
Institution(s) 1. Universiti Brunei Darussalam (UBD)
2. Kolej Universiti Perguruan Ugama Seri Begawan (KUPU SB)
3. Universiti Islam Sultan Sharif Ali (UNISSA)
4. Universiti Teknologi Brunei (UTB)
5. Politeknik Brunei (PB)
Study In Brunei Darussalam
Program Period Diploma: 3 Years
Undergraduate Degree: 8 Semester (4 Year Full Time)
Master Degree: 12 Months, 24 Months
Deadline  February 15, 2025
Brunei Darussalam Scholarship Summary Table

Kindly drop questions or any clarification you need in the comment section so that it can be attended to swiftly.


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